NTMA is actively lobbying Congress and the Administration for policies and regulations that will help the metalworking industry compete globally and secure the workforce it needs for today and the future.
In an effort to strengthen the industry’s presence in Washington, D.C., NTMA joined forces with the Precision Metalforming Association (PMA) to create “One Voice” for the metalworking industry. Under One Voice, our Washington, D.C.-based lobbying and strategic communications firms work every day to ensure that the industry’s voice is heard on Capitol Hill and in the media.
One Voice has a combined total of roughly 3,000 member manufacturing companies and is designed to promote U.S. government policies that will ensure a strong manufacturing sector in the United States. The majority of member companies are family-owned small businesses, two-thirds of which are structured as a Sub-Chapter S Corporation or similar pass-through entity, paying taxes at individual rates.
NTMA has achieved many federal lobbying successes in 2022 through its One Voice advocacy team in Washington, D.C. This is just a partial list of accomplishments: NTMA Advocacy Accomplishments 2022.
Stay updated on the latest happenings in Washington, D.C., by subscribing to our One Voice e-newsletters.
Support NTMA’s Efforts in Washington!
NTMA’s Government Affairs Administrative Fund (GAAF) allows the association to undertake initiatives aimed at educating elected officials on tooling and machining and the industry’s priority issues. It also permits us to support a variety of activities to inform and mobilize our members, as well as to protect and promote the industry with key lawmakers. Corporate OR personal funds can be donated to GAAF. Donate Today!
The Committee For A Strong Economy (CFASE) is a Political Action Committee (PAC) established and maintained by the National Tooling and Machining Association (NTMA) for the purpose of providing its authorized members with a collective voice during U.S. federal elections.
Contact Jenny Stupica for additional information about CFASE or visit https://www.ntmapac.org/.